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Elea Estate Cyprus Wedding Photography
If you have found this page, it is very likely that you are also looking for your perfect wedding photographer for your special day at The Elea Estate.
Look no further, your search is now over. This is a stunning wedding venue in the just south of Paphos. It is so very beautiful. It seems like someone has brought down a little slice of heaven and drizzled it all over this Cyprus location. In addition, the venue is set on a world-class golf course. With truly breathtaking views over the sparkling emerald Mediterranean sea, the ceremony venue itself is stylish, charming and elegant. It is a very private, exclusive venue and many brides have married in this pretty venue. Truly magical. The wedding team is highly dedicated to making your wedding day the most special day of your lives. Oh, and the food in the restaurants is to die for. So delicious.
Stylish and Elegant, a true gem of a venue
Most of all we cannot recommend this amazing wedding venue highly enough. Also, this venue is very well appointed and there is no reason why this cannot be close to your honeymoon destination. Certainly, it has every luxury afforded as you can imagine. There are wonderful relaxing Spa treatments, massages, and full golf facilities available. Some wedding venues are just simply special while the Elea Estate is no exception at all. If you Book your wedding celebrations and wedding photography here and you will be able to create the simply the most amazing memories with exquisite backdrops like these. Be treated like true royalty yet in a chilled elegant Cyprus style!
As a result, at Beziiqué, we believe that great Cyprus wedding photography goes far beyond technical skill. Therefore, it is about creating unforgettable experiences and timeless, beautiful pieces of art that furthermore capture every moment of your special day.
So No matter where you are in the world we would love to hear from you soon,
Nick & Aimie
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